Scholarship Applications
Being Reviewed Now!

超过98%的学生获得某种形式的经济援助. This 援助资金来自联邦、州、校外奖学金和机构奖学金 funds.

我们许多热心的捐助者继续慷慨地资助奖学金,使我们能够 to assist more than 150+ students with scholarship funds. During the 2020-2021 academic year, our scholarship awards varied from $150 to $10,000 annually.

奖学金的颁发有很多标准,包括学业成绩、课外活动等 involvement, and leadership. Other awards take into consideration factors such as financial need and geographic location.

Scholarship applications are being reviewed now, so apply today! Scholarship applications can be accessed by clicking the "Apply for EGSC Scholarships Here" button below and filling out the scholarship application.

Many scholarships are need-based and, therefore, require completion of a FAFSA. 如果经济援助办公室还没有收到你完整的FAFSA(和任何其他 所需的文件)在奖学金委员会开会决定奖项时提交, 你很可能不会被考虑这类奖学金. As such, all potential 强烈建议奖学金申请者满足常规财政援助申请 priority deadline.

Apply for EGSC Scholarships Here

External Scholarships

DISCLAIMER: 以下列出的奖学金不属于十大正规网赌平台 并不代表政府资助委员会认可所提供的奖学金或任何机构 mentioned. Scholarships listed are for informational purposes only. It is the student’s 负责核实与奖学金申请有关的所有信息,包括 any requirements and related deadlines.

    • 任何获得校外奖学金的学生应通过电话、电子邮件、 or stopping by our office.
    • 奖学金的资金来源与学生一起将支票寄到我们的办公室 name and student ID number.

通过奖学金,我们旨在帮助学生实现他们的教育和职业目标 by easing their financial burden of higher education.

Who can apply?

该奖学金向英国的合法居民和公民开放 被认可的大学接受全日制学习的美国或加拿大学生 or university.

而奖学金是开放给任何正在接受高等教育的人 当然,我们会特别考虑修读健身课程的学生, health or sports.

How to apply:

There are two ways to apply for the scholarship:

  • Video
  • Content

bikesreviews奖学金委员会将审查所有论文和视频并做出决定 on the final winner. The entries will be judged based on creativity, research on the topic and clarity of the essay/video. Students who submit plagiarized essays will be disqualified. bikesreviews团队将通过电子邮件和奖项通知获胜者 will be sent directly to the winning participant’s school.

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ExtremeTerrain提供两份3000美元的奖学金,一份是秋季学期的,另一份是 一个是春季学期,向攻读环境学位的合格学生开放 研究,环境研究,土地利用,地球和大气研究,可持续发展 土地管理,公园和娱乐,或可持续农业系统.

学生应该提交一篇700 - 1500字的文章,描述你是谁,为什么你 觉得保持公共土地的通道作康乐用途是很重要的,以及如何保持 你打算用你的学位来倡导公共土地的娱乐用途. 论文应以PDF或Microsoft Word文档的形式提交,才有资格申请 考虑和还必须附有当前注册的证明 accredited United States college or university.
Please submit your essay by 12:00PM EST on October 15th in order to be eligible for the spring semester scholarship and by June 15th to be eligible for the fall semester scholarship. The winner of the spring semester 将于11月15日前选出,而秋季学期的优胜者将由 July 15th.

这个机会每年都有,并鼓励提交 the spring and fall semesters.


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数量有限的基于需求的奖学金已提供给学生选择 to live on campus.  Contact Financial Aid today for details. 

Yvorra领导力发展基金会(YLD)目前正在接受申请 for its Leadership Awards and Scholarships. The awards are in memory of Deputy Fire Chief James G. Yvorra, Emergency Medical Technician Donald E. Sellers, and Chief John M. Eversole.  该计划对紧急服务组织的成员开放 as Fire & 救援部门,紧急医疗服务,紧急管理机构, Homeland Security, and members of the U.S. active duty military, and National Guard who have an emergency preparedness and response job description; e.g. firefighter, medic, disaster preparedness, etc.

Annual awards are approximately $2,500 each. Special awards of greater value may be 颁发给个人或团体提出的领导力发展相关项目.

Since 1989, YLD has awarded $148,000 to over 93 award recipients.

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童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划(DACA)是美国的一项移民政策 该法案允许某些在16岁之前入境的无证学生入境 在2007年6月之前,获得可续签的两年工作许可和豁免 from deportation. In some states, like in California, AB 540 students may qualify to attend college and pay in-state tuition; being exempt from paying non-resident tuition. 在申请的时候,一定要知道你的状态和所有的资格要求 for these kinds of scholarships.

There are specific organizations such as TheDream.Us that help immigrant youth and 获得DACA身份的无证学生通过以下方式实现了他们的美国梦 the completion of a college education. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational 基金还为学生提供奖学金项目,无论其移民身份如何 只要学生能够表现出对推进拉丁裔公民权利的承诺,就可以获得同等的地位 rights through their career.

这些组织不仅提供奖学金项目和机会,而且 他们也有基于你所在州的教育资源——一定要查看你现在的情况 或者未来大学的奖学金和经济援助机会来帮助资助 your college education. You may need to conduct some personal research and stay updated 十大正规网投平台移民政策,因为他们不断波动,可能有一些灰色 areas. 即使一个州没有梦想法案,学校也可能提供优秀奖学金 that are not tied to federal funding. And remember to conduct a free search to see what scholarships you may be eligible for.

以下是一些提供给无证学生的奖学金 do not request immigration status or citizenship. Read the eligibility and status requirements carefully when applying. You can find more information on these and other 通过填写个人资料并在网上进行免费的大学奖学金搜索来获得奖学金


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